The painting that I chose is called The Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist. Raphael Sanzio painted it. The era of this painting is a high renaissance. In the history of art, the High Renaissance was a short period of the unique artistic creations of the Italian states, especially the capital of the Papal States, Florence of the Italian Renaissance. Most art historians have said that the Renaissance began around 1495 or 1500, and ended in 1520 with the death of Raphael, although it was said that the High Renaissance ended around 1525, or In 1527, the army of Charles V, the Romans of Rome ended. The Emperor or the most famous high Renaissance paintings, sculptures and architectural representatives of around 1530 include Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and Bramante.The highly Renaissance of painting is the culmination of various manifestations and various techniques of painting techniques. This techniques include linear perspectives, accurate depictions of physical and psychological features, and manipulation of light and darkness, including tonal contrast, rendering levels (softening colours) The transition between the light and the dark (the contrast between light and dark), shows the overall composition order, balance and harmony in a single unified style. In particular, the various parts of the painting have a complex but balanced and well-coordinated relationship with the whole. The paintings of the High Renaissance are considered to be the absolute peak of Western painting, and they achieve harmony and harmony, seemingly mutually exclusive artistic positions. Balance and reconciliation, such as truth and ideal, movement and rest, freedom and law, spatial contrast plane, line and colour. According to the first art history model proposed by Florence Vasari, the High Renaissance was traditionally regarded as a massive explosion of creative genius.
The artist, as known as Raphael Sanzio, he was an Italian Renaissance painter and architect. His work is highly appreciated for its clear form, simple composition, and the visual achievements of the great Neoplatonic ideal of humanity. Together with Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, he formed the three masters of the tradition of that period. Raphael is very productive and runs an unusually large studio, and although he died at the age of 37, he left much work. Many of his works have appeared in the Vatican Palace, where the frescoed Raphael room is the center and the most significant work of his career. Raphael painted some of his works on wooden supports, such as "Madonna of the Pinks," but he also used canvas as "Sistine Madonna" and he knew to use dry oils such as flaxseed or walnut oil. His palette is precious, and he uses almost all of the pigments available at the time, such as ultramarine, lead-tin yellow, carmine, vermilion, valerian lake, patina and vermiculite. In several of his works, such as "Ansidei Madonna," he even used the rare Brazilian wood lake, metal powder gold, and even less well-known metal powder.
This painting depicts Madonna, a young Christ and a young John the Baptist. It is believed to be commissioned by Sienese aristocrat Fabrizio Sergardi at approximately 1507-1508. It is currently on display at the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. This painting is considered to be one of the most famous portraits of Madonna, the Italian Renaissance painter Raphael. Many art historians believe that this painting is the pinnacle of Raphael's achievements and one of the most important works of his Florentine period. Raphael could not finish the painting before leaving Florence. Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio later completed it. Mary is the focus of this painting. Her face is at the apex of the pyramidal composition, and her body is full of the rest. She hugged her Christ standing on her right. John the Baptist was on the ground to the left of Mary, holding his red cross with his right hand. Mary is holding a book on her knee. There was a faint glow around all of their heads, a feature that disappeared during the High Renaissance. The landscape of this painting is a beautiful country garden. Raphael uses a unified naturalistic work that is rich in colour and light, blending light and shadow to create a highly realistic atmosphere.